A little while ago I was searching through AllRecipes.com - looking for a new twist on the classic pancake breakfast. We don't eat pancakes that often at our house - and I figured that wasn't because we weren't pancake people, we were just tired of the recipe we had (where did that come from, anyway?). I found this most delicious Oatmeal Pancake recipe. Did I mention that it's most delicious? Cuz it is. And the best part? It's easy. It uses stuff you most likely have in your cupboard anyway. I hate those recipes that sound so good - then you read through the list and feel like you have to take a foreign language class just to pronounce half the ingredients. This ain't one of em.

1 Cup all-purpose flour
1 Cup oatmeal (grind it up in the blender till it's a powder - like flour)
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar (it calls for white sugar. Brown is better)
2 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 1/2 Cup Milk (it calls for buttermilk, but who has that? I guess you could always make your own with vinegar - but I'm too lazy for that - plus regular milk does the job nicely)
2 tsp Vanilla extract
4 Tbs vegetable oil (I sometimes just put a tiny bit in - or leave it out - up to you)
2 Eggs
That's it. It's going to seem really runny. Trust me. Reeeeally runny. Just let the baking soda do it's work on the griddle and you won't be dissapointed. Don't try it without the baking soda. That stuff really works.
I can't believe I just blogged about a recipe. I feel like I need to put a loud muffler on my car, burp, go hunting for something and eat its liver, and watch football.