Has anyone ever asked you how you were doing and you gave a lame response like: fine, doin' good, or great? I know I have, I always say that even when I'm having the worst day of my life. Why are we like that? I tell you, it's only in America. Everywhere else in the world if you ask someone how they are doing, they'll say, "Horrible. I woke up constipated and this fungus on my left foot just won't go away." That, my friend, is a classic Malaysian response to the age-old, very innocent, question: "how are you?"
Now, when anybody asks me how I'm doin, I try to say "Fine." That way if I'm really OK, then I'm not lying, but if I'm:
Freaked out,
Neurotic, or
then I'm not lying either.
9 years ago
Another blog to read! Now I get to bug you about when you're going to write another blog. Excellent...
Soooo, how are YOU?
Response from Brittney: Fine?
Ah, the age old "how are you" question. Put a bunch of nerds in a cubicle room room together, and they'll find ways to overanalyze anything...including the "how are you" question. We came to the conclusion that language mutates over time (you know, like Michael Scott's history of the word "gay") and in our society "how are you" simply means "hello", and the response "fine" simply means "hello".
My grandmother always told me to respond "Great thanks!" whether you were or not. "No one wants to hear about your troubles" she said. Maybe that's why I blog, because I don't let my feelings out in public. Repressive dead grandparents, sheesh.
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