I've always known that my little girl was 3 going on 17, but the last few days have just solidified my feelings. Late Sunday night my sweetie and I decided that it'd be best if we took our Kalli bug to the ER because of some breathing problems. We showed up and got shuffled right to the front of the line, infront of all those suckers waiting to get in! Suckers! ?? Doh!
Kalli then proceded to go through a night full of IV's, X-Rays, creepy doctors and their creepy questions about how old you are and if you're allergic to anything, vacuum tubes in her nose, and that stinkin oxygen tube that has to stay right near the tickly part of your nose. She was amazing.
When they checked us in to the hospital they gave her a stuffed moose, and her very own pink blanket. This place is like the Ritz Carlton! Room service, free stuff, movies, people come to see you when you push the enticing orange button (the very enticing orange button) "No, we're fine, just seeing if this orange button still works. Yup, still works!"
When I thought of writing this blog I debated on what the subject matter should be about. I could have entitled it "Disneyland or the ER - we choose the fun one" or "there goes our treadmill" or "I'll get my computer sometime, right?!" or "Being seperated from your wife and kids really stinks" or "Is this what you call a french fry?!" or "I'll have another root beer slushy, please." But, above all the feelings I've had in the last couple days, the one that stands out far and obove anything else is how grown up my little girl is, and how proud I am of her.
9 years ago