The other day I was in a meeting at work where a high-powered Harvard MBA was charging us too much to bless us with his presence. During this blessed 3 hours of my life I let my mind wander a little and think about all the business greats in the world. I thought of how cool it would be to have the experiences that Sir Richard Branson has had, or Steve Jobs, or even Bill Gates (even though he reall messed up with Vista - In my opinion). I have to admit I was feeling a bit envious of all the experiences they've had throughout their lives. Pretty neat stuff.
Then I realized that today is just the beginning. I need to be myself. I may not have the same experiences of these business greats, but I have a LONG existence ahead of me and I can make anything I want of it. So, I guess the moral of my experience is - Be yourself, even if being yourself means you wear an outfit that should be illegal, like this guy....
Amen, Brother! Amen!
Why? Why? Why did you have to post a picture of that guy?
Here's to infinately more years of reaching our goals!
By the way, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates gots nothin' on your family. Making billions doesn't compare to having a Puma.
Wow. That is one courageous guy. Amazing that even after seeing that outfit on that bod, then throwing up just a little, I'm still a Ute, through and through. Erase that image from my mind, please! Yikes!
Mikey, you may have just scared me (or is it scarRed me) away from ever checking your blog ever again. EVER.
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