Well well well. I've been tagged. It's about time!
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged you once you've posted your three sentences.
"A study conducted by Industrial Engineer, a professional magazine, indicated that the average interruption sustained by a manager was only six to nine minutes. Amazingly, the study also revealed that the average time it took such managers to recover from such interruptions was anywhere from 3 to 23 minutes. So, if the average interruption is 6 to 9 minutes with a midpoint of 7.5 minutes, and the average recovery time is 3 to 23 minutes, with a midpoint of 13 minutes, that means that the typical interruption results in 20.5 minutes of lost work."
That means it only takes a few posts to really trash that hour of work I do every day. Bummer
What if I don't know five people to tag?
9 years ago
Thanks for taping the party. We really enjoyed your commentary! We watched it as soon as we got home. You're pretty funny.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. I'm going to need you to to start reading the memos.
Hey Shmikey. Just thought I let you know we had another kid on Tuesday. This would be number three and last. Great kid. Really mellow and sweet. We named him Brayden. There are some pictures on our blog. Anywho, hope all is good with you!
If an Engineer said it, it has to be true.
May 19th Mikey? Come on. Your hungry public awaits your perspicacious ruminations.
Feed us!
I was going to wait until August to make remarks about lack of insight I'm getting into the life of Kahomada, but then I decided that I'd...actually, yeah, I'll wait until August.
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