Monday, October 13, 2008

How Does Your Portfolio Look?

So, here I am studying economics and I say to myself, "self, aside from semi-understanding the current global economic crisis that is now upon us, there's GOT to be some real-world application to all this stuff I'm learning." Welp. I think I found a pretty cool correllation. You see, it's the theory of expectations. If the market THINKS that the price of something will go up, they buy it - which increases demand for that item which then increases the price. Vwalla! They thought the price would go up... and it did. Do you see where I'm going with this yet?! If you think that your kids will never amount to anything - they won't. Think about it. I was lucky enough to have parents that purchased lots and lots of stock in Mike Incorporated when I went public about 28 years ago. They haven't sold any of it. They're in it for the long term. No day-traders in this business!

As a dad, I'm happy to say that my portfolio has never looked better.


Jenn said...

That is really great and the picture is perfect

Carrie said...

That picture is awesome. We were talking with Mom the other night about how much her kids were worth. Then she asked us how much our life insurance policies were. ...I kid! I kid! But really, she said that we were all priceless. So I guess she and Dad are never going to cash in on us. We're worth too much. (But I think she's pulling from our funds in the form of grandkids.)

Jas and Kim said...

You are so smart! I have to admit that I think you've got a great looking profile. What a cute pic!

Zack said...

Awesome blog. I love analogies and correlations and the like. Thanks for sharing! I'm happy to say that I have a small investment in that same portfolio. I think the stock symbol is kameryguliroja (that's right ;-) )

Unknown said...

Well said. So when's the party for finishing your class? We'll bring the potato cheese soup and cornbread.

Unknown said...

One more thing.
I just read Seth what you wrote and he said "He wrote that? He should write books. That was great."

Yo Mama said...

very cute...almost as good as having them here in person. No...nothings as good as having them here in person.

Alex said...

So wait... According to what you're saying if we treat children like they're jerks and make them feel that they can't amount to anything they'll most likely end up BEING jerks who amount to nothing? Good thing Hailey is kind and amounts to everything on her own, takes a load off of me... just kidding. :)

Melbell said...

LOVE that pic....those smiles are worth every investment!!

Doug - The JeepCruzer said...

28?! 28?! How can you be only 28? You speak with the wisdom of someone... someone who is much older... someone who is 31... like me :-D