Sooooo, does this seem messed up to anyone else? I got this from an AP article entitled "Black Friday shoppers out in force, but cautious."
"Even for the growing number of parents who were limiting their gift buying to just their children this year, financial troubles were forcing them to be stingy.
"I have never slept here before to save a few bucks, but with the economy so bad I thought that even a few dollars helps," said Analita Garcia of Falls Church, Va., who arrived at a local Best Buy store at 7 a.m. Thursday with 10 family members. She bought a 32-inch LCD TV for $400, slashed from $500, along with an iPod and several DVDs.
"This year a lot of people I know won't be getting Christmas presents. I have to pay the rent and bills, and I have two little ones at home to think of," Garcia added."
What The?! Poor Analita. I'm sure she wanted the 42-inch. My heart goes out to this woman struggling to get by on the scraps thrown from the tables of the rich and heartless.
9 years ago
True, True
They needed to be more cautious, when they trampled a young Walmart worker in New York. I hope they enjoy their savings when they are in prison!
I have to make another comment. I kept thinking about this story and I guess I feel sorry for this person. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with spending $400 on a TV when you can't afford other things, but she must not understand what really matters and what's important in life. I worked with people like this for 5 years and if you don't have the gospel or some sort of faith in your life it's hard to put things into perspective. She must think the TV is what is most important for her family.
Some people have to settle for 25 inch screens AND only play Wii sports on their Wii because they can't afford Mario Kart. It just makes me so sad. (sniff)
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