I caved in. Yup, my will power only took me so far. I decided to go along with the rest of the lemmings and set some goals for 2009. I usually shy away from setting any goals on January 1st, because I don't like doing things just because others are doing them. It's not cool if everyone does it. I think that's why Paris Hilton has a pink Bentley. It's just not the same as a white Civic.
So, here you have it. Ladies and Gentlemen, these are my goals for 2009:
Make Kalli feel like the most important 5 year old that there ever was
Finish my MBA without senioritis
Go on a trip with Jodie to celebrate being done with school
Put sod in our backyard
Lay sprinkler pipe before I lay sod
Enjoy feeling the newly adopted blades of grass as they brush through my toes
Plant a garden, and water it this time
Plant a few more peach trees
Give Jodie the coolest birthday party she's ever had
Have a party to celebrate being done with school
Enjoy the sights and sounds of the 4th of July, as I remember my freedom and all those that have sacrificed so much to preserve it
Enjoy the 24th of July celebrations as I remember all those who gave up so much so that we all might have so much
Enjoy central air on a hot August afternoon
4-wheel up to Lily Lake from the cabin as fast as I can
Throw a party just because
Play my drums with the band
Play my trumpet again
Give Megan a party worthy enough for a 4 year old, cuz 4 years is HUGE
Have fun throwing Ryan his 2nd birthday party. Teach him how to blow out candles this time.
Have friends over for a fire, and have a football game on our new grass
Listen to the crunch of freshly fallen leaves under my feet as I hike up Mueller Park with my sweetheart
Scare the pants of a couple teenagers when they beg for candy on Halloween
Enjoy good company and good food on Thanksgiving
Have a snowball fight
Build a sledding hill and jump combo in our backyard worthy enough to be called Thunder and Lightning
Invite friends and neighbors over to celebrate the Holidays
Be around to celebrate New Years 2010 with my wife and kids (all of em)
9 years ago
These I like.
When you build thunder and lightning will you invite us? Now that sounds like serious FUN!
I notice you're planning on throwing lots of parties. That's a great new years resolution.
Oh and explain the "play drums with the band". What band? If you're talking rock band, I want to watch.
I am waxing up my sled...nuff said
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