Moving along… So…, in honor of this momentous occasion, I thought it would be fitting for me to list my Top 10 Favorite Things About Jodie… in no particular order.
Who else can jog 5 miles, eat breakfast, read books to the kiddies, AND send her husband off to work – all before 8:30?
Her advice is priceless. Like one of them Faberge eggs from that foreign country with all the jewels and shiny stuff. No, wait – we eat eggs like that for BREAKfast!
Have you SEEN her smile?! Nuff said.
The fact that her genes are stronger than mine; that way our kids at least have a chance. (They DO have the Terry nose – so I know the genes are a workin’)
She bakes the best bread. I asked Kalli what she loves about mom, and her first thing was “mom makes the best bread” – number two was “mom makes the best muffins” – and the third thing was “mom makes the best bread. It’s soooo good” There you have it; can’t argue with Kalli (no, really. You CAN’T argue with Kalli. It’s futile)
She can put her hair in a ponytail and be ready for anything.
She’s the perfect mom for Kalli, Megan, and Ryan. No father or husband could ask for better.
When I have my bad days – she’s having a good day. She’s always there to pull me up and help me see how nice the view really is.
She’s the best leader that our Young Women could ask for. It’s like she was born for her calling. She’d say otherwise. So modest.
She isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. No faux nails here. “Auweee Euweee, I chipped a nail! Waaaa Waaa!” Ya, Right.
She learns from her mistakes. She does an awesome job of analyzing a situation and an outcome and then determining if things went the way they should, and if not – why? Not even the CEO of GM can do THAT. (“Hmmm, maybe we should focus our business on not having any focus at all on any particular market and hope that something just sticks. Hey, I wonder why we’re bleeding $16 billion a quarter… Oh well.” But I digress)
She doesn’t mind if I totally waste her in a game of Mario Kart. In fact, she’ll even play me again, after a few weeks. I think my whole ‘in your FACE!’ dance might have been a little over-the-top that one time.
She said I could buy a motorcycle! Just as soon as we can afford one. And, as long as I don’t drive it down any street upon which cars may be present. I’ll take it!
Did I mention that she’s an amazing cook?
Welp – I think that’s about 10. Plus I need to get back to work – or whatever you call that stuff that I was doing before I started typing.
Happy Birthday, Jodie! We love you!

Can this picture get ANY better?!