I had a mission companion who, back in high school, thought it would be cool to make up a new word and see how long it took for people to start using it. He claims it took about 3 weeks until it was common-place in the school. He asked people where they had heard it, and their comment was "it's been around forever" :-) Well, I decided to come up with my OWN new slang term;
Will you be my FBF?
Aaaaaaah Ya! It's the new thing. Start usin it - tell all your friends! Soon I'll be hearing the fruits of all my mindless past time. Don't thank me now - thank me when all your FBF's start usin it too - then you can say you were one of the first. Like a pioneer - except without all the mud and walking.
9 years ago
I'm totally going to use that now.
I would also like to lay claim to a word I hope will be used more and more. "Blogstalker". Kind of like Skywalker, but more techno-savy and more stalkerish.
Too funny!!
Ah, Mike, sometimes I miss the good ole' days of sarcasm and constant humor. Reading your blog reminds me of all that. Didn't you make up a few of those words yourself in HS? I remember some words used by you and only you.
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