30 Gallon Trash Bag: $0.10

One Genius Wife: Priceless
Having your kiddies sleep in until 7:45 A.M. : Well, it's worth WAY more than $1.10.
Who would have thought that this picture was taken at 8:30 in the morning. BooYA! Me so excited to try it again!
I feel so sneaky - so parentalish
So wait. You're telling me that your kids couldn't sleep past 6:30 AM because of the SUN?
I'm glad you guys found a sneaky parental way around nature.
Parents: 1
Nature: 0
So that was the problem all these years? The sun was waking them up? Well I'm glad your amazing wife took care of this problem. Hopefully no more early mornings.
A whole new meaning to "Don't get mad...get GLAD!" Way to go Jody!
We've put flat cardboard boxes in the windows for a while now - I guess plastic has that soothing effect that cardboard could only wish for.
YIPEE! I'm so glad you got to actually wake up on your own. Now that IS priceless!!! Way to go JO!
The million dollar question is....did it happen again?
Love it!
Jodie is brilliant!!
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