Last night during family home evening we taught the girls about the word of wisdom. Not an easy topic for 5 and 3 year-old kiddies. Jodie and I thought that it was time for them to learn about it from the 'horses mouth' - and since I'm the one that's always horse'n around, it was my turn to teach the lesson. (baaaaad joke. Sorry, everybody) We played games that showed us all the cool things we could do with our bodies, and talked about how Heavenly Father wants us to keep our bodies healthy and strong. We then played "thumbs up." Basically, someone shouts out a food, and if it's good for you then you give it 2 thumbs up - if it's bad, it gets the classic 2 thumbs down. Pretty basic, eh?
The game begins:
"watermelon!" - 2 thumbs WAY up
"vegetables!" - 2 thumbs up (but only after coersion from daddo)
"cigarettes!" - *insert booo, and hisssss* - "ew, gross" - 2 thumbs down
They LOVED it. Family night Suuuuuccesssss!
So, tonight at dinner, Megan decided that it was time to play the game. "Showa" says dad. "How abooooouuuut...," "No, Dad, I'm the boss. I get to say it" - "well, alrighty then"
Watermelon! - Woot Woot! - 2 thumbs up
Daddy cooks dinner! - 2 thumbs way UP. Then Meg pipes up... "no way, that's 2 thumbs down!"
Thanks, Megan. Don't ever change, sweetie.
9 years ago
Sorry Mike, but everything looks like two thumbs down compared to Jodie's cooking.
This is true. This. is. True.
I'm OK with being behind Jodie on all that though.
Ahh - the life of the supportive husband of the YW President!! Love that Meggie!
Oh man! I hate when kids speak their mind and it's not what I want to hear. I asked Bella once, who is pretties, mom or dad and she said Claire. Ouch!
Cute Megan!
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