Monday, September 21, 2009

The Wave

I don't usually (well, ever) put stuff on my blog that isn't family related, but I saw this video and had to stick it up. This will change the way we collaborate. It's worth the 10 minutes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Today Jodie and I did something that we don't do - pretty much ever. Organized the closet? Well, yes, we did do that, but we do that all the ti.... um, wait - make that TWO things today that we hardly ever do. The first being the closet (wow, I really don't have any clothes) and the second? Well, we decided to take a trip to Sandy and check out a sale. In all honesty, we were kind of skeptical. When I say 'we' I mean 'I' because I didn't think Jodie would let me buy something. Buuuut she did - AND I didn't even have to get on my knees... for too long.

I love it. Absolutely love it. I think the biggest reason why I love it is because Jodie loves it. I've been wanting to get her a piano ever since we were married. The sound is awesome, but the package isn't complete unless Jodie's playing.

Kalli and Meg are VERY excited to start lessons.

This is Ryan, just after Jodie told him that he couldn't eat his cookie while sitting at the piano. Sorry, dude. Rules are rules.

So, if you ever have a second, come on by and check it out. We maaaay even let you sit at it - but only if you promise to eat your cookie first.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sweet Crossword Puzzle

I came across an awesome crossword puzzle the other day. Check it out. It isn't hard - I promise.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Park It Up

The other day we decided to pack up dinner and head off to the park. It was awesome. I love this park. I'd tell you which one it is, but then you just might tell others and then it would get crowded and I'd be forced to get a park of my own.

This park has a covered eating area, lighting, plenty of grass, trees (and tables under the trees, if you are so inclined), flushing toilets, running water, soap, and a little device that sprays a welcoming scent of freshness upon opening the restroom door. It's a treat to behold!

All of those amenities are all well and good - but it isn't the best part about the park. The best part about it is..... you ready? The rubber. Oh ya, baby! You see, I'm tired of all the sand that gets in my shoes - and all the wood slivers, er, I mean, wood chips that never seem to fit the bill. This park has one big rubber chip mat to run on. It doesn't chip off, break, get in your shoes or socks, and it's perfect for gripping those tight corners when you're playing "chase daddy around the park." We love it. This is one of daddy's favorite climbing towers that he thought he could use to get away from being tagged. Kalli proved him wrong.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dear Kiddies,

Dear Kiddies,

Your mom and I wanted to write a few things down to let you know how much we love you. We wanted to let you know that:

We’ll always be there for you – even when you won’t want us around.
Even the smallest promptings will pay huge dividends.

Always listen to those promptings.
Recognizing them will be the hard part – at first.
Every time you get one – act – that will make them easier to recognize in the future.

Preparing yourself is what this life is all about.
Right when you want to give up is the time when you need to ask for help the most.
Every time you need help, we’ll be there.
Gaining your respect might be the hardest thing we’ll ever have to do.
Never give up on that which is most important.
All of the people that came before you have prepared the way for you to succeed.
Never at any time in the history of the world has there been so much opportunity.
This is your time.

We sure do love you,
Mom & Dad