The other day
we decided to pack up dinner and head off to the park. It was awesome. I love this park. I'd tell you which one it is, but then you just might tell oth
ers and then it would get crowded and I'd be forced to get a park of my own.
This park has a covered eating area, lighting, plenty of grass, trees (and tables under the trees, if you
are so inclined), flushing toilets, running water, soap, and a little device that sp
rays a welcoming scent of fr
eshness upon opening the restroom door. It's a treat to behold!
All of those amenities are all well and good - but it isn't the best part about the
park. The best part about it is..... you ready? The
rubber. Oh ya, baby! You s
ee, I'm tired of all the sand that
gets in my shoes - a
nd all the wood slivers, er, I me
an, wood chips that never seem to fit the bill. This park has one big rubber chip mat to run on. It doesn't chip off, break, get in your shoes or socks, and it's perfect for gripping those tight corners when you're playing "chase daddy arou
nd the park." We love it.
This is one of daddy's favorite climbing towers that he thought he could use to get away from being tagged. Kalli proved him wrong.